Bus Stop Rules

Summarized from the Gold Key Bylaws, Articles C31, B17, C15, and C33. The rules are for our children’s safety. Bus Monitors and Security will be enforcing all rules.

  • Arrive 10 minutes before the Bus arrives.
  • ABSOLUTELY NO MOVING at the bus stop while buses are present, unless otherwise directed by a Bus Monitor or Security. This also applies to Otter Lane.
  • No child can enter or exit a vehicle outside the Bus Stop Parking lot under any circumstances. This includes Yale Road.
  • A responsible person must be present with children under the age of 12 before and after school. No exceptions.
  • No bike riding, no scooters, no skateboards, no hoverboards, or roller skates allowed during the bus stop hours.
  • Children under the age of 12 who have permission to walk home MUST PUT IT IN WRITING and hand it to the Bus Monitors or Security.
  • All vehicles must have a current Gold Key sticker or Gold Key parking pass displayed.
  • All members and guests must comply with the Bus Monitors and Security.
  • All dogs at the bus stop during bus stop hours must be on a leash.
  • All vehicles must follow the one-way signs. This means NO cutting across the parking lot against traffic.
  • There is absolutely NO LOITERING allowed during bus stop hours.
  • There is absolutely NO SOLICITING allowed during bus stop hours.
  • During the school year, there shall be no smoking within 50 feet of the pavilion. This includes smoking within your vehicle. Smoking includes all tobacco products, e-cigarettes, vaping, pipes, etc.